800 Years: Depending on the Buddha

Nichiren Shōnin regarded the teaching of Ichinen Sanzen (One thought contains three thousand worlds) as a primary doctrine for people to approach enlightenment. As I have explained before, one thought that we think momentarily contains three thousand worlds. For example, a peaceful condition includes sorrowfulness, a silly condition is included in a truth, and even … Continue reading 800 Years: Depending on the Buddha

800 Years: Shōho Jissō Shō

My ideas about faith and what faith entails are best illustrated in the concluding paragraph of Shōho Jissō Shō, Nichiren’s “Treatise on All Phenomena as Ultimate Reality” [Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 4, Page 79-80]. This is the lone writing of Nichiren’s that I have memorized. Seated before my altar, I look at the top … Continue reading 800 Years: Shōho Jissō Shō

Cleaning Before the New Year

Speaking of a kalpa, suppose there is a huge blue agate, an 80,000 ri cube, which does not erode even if it were filed for aeons. Suppose an angel descends once in three years to caress it with her extremely beautiful and light robe. The length of time required for the angel to wear out … Continue reading Cleaning Before the New Year

Counting to 70

I’ve decided to mark an interesting conjunction of numbers today. First, today marks the start of my 70th cycle through the Threefold Lotus Sutra. Well, actually yesterday was the start but today my “Day 1” post will be 500yojanas.org/day-1-70. That counter at the end of the URL is automatically added each time I post my … Continue reading Counting to 70

The Compassion of the Buddhas

QUESTION: The compassion of the Buddhas is like the moon in heaven. As the moon reflects its shadow on water whenever it is calm, Buddhas should grant favors wherever the capacity of the people for comprehension is clear. Nevertheless, it seems unfair for the Buddha to say that His secret dharmas will be revealed only … Continue reading The Compassion of the Buddhas


The Lotus Sūtra, fascicle 7 (the “Never-Despising Bodhisattva” chapter) preaches: “Among the four kinds of devotees, there were some who had impurity in mind and gave way to anger. They spoke ill of the bodhisattva, called him an ignorant priest, … struck him with a stick or a piece of wood or a piece of … Continue reading Consequences

The Last 500-Year Period After Śākyamuni’s Extinction

QUESTION: In what age will the secret dharmas entrusted to Superior Practice and other bodhisattvas called out from the underground be spread? ANSWER: The 23rd chapter, “The Previous Life of the Medicine King Bodhisattva” of the Lotus Sūtra, fascicle 7, preaches: “Propagate this chapter throughout this world during the last 500-year period after My extinction … Continue reading The Last 500-Year Period After Śākyamuni’s Extinction

The Sin of Slandering the True Dharma

The sin of slandering the True Dharma, though repented, is 1,000 times as heavy as that of the five rebellious sins, to say nothing of slanderers of the True Dharma who do not repent and thus would never be released from the Avīci Hell. Therefore, it is preached in the Lotus Sūtra, fascicle 2, (“A … Continue reading The Sin of Slandering the True Dharma

The Hell of Incessant Suffering

The last of the eight major hells, the Great Avīci Hell, is also called the Hell of Incessant Suffering because sinners in this hell suffer interminable pain. It is located at the bottom of the realm of desire, beneath the Hell of Great Burning Heat. The length and breadth of the hell are 80,000 yojana … Continue reading The Hell of Incessant Suffering

‘No Decline Nor Harm Within an Area of 100 Yojana’

The Lotus Sūtra declares in the 26th chapter on the “Mystic Phrases,” “I, the Heavenly King Vaiśravaṇa (Bishamon), will ensure that there will be no decline nor harm within the area of a hundred yojana, where this Lotus Sūtra prevails.” The Nirvana Sūtra preaches, “You should know that the land in which this wondrous Sūtra … Continue reading ‘No Decline Nor Harm Within an Area of 100 Yojana’