800 Years: Managing Expectations

Here, at this transition between The Variety of Merits chapter and The Merits of a Person Who Rejoices at Hearing this Sutra chapter, I want to address expectations. Specifically, I want to discuss the expectations we should have when we declare faith in the Lotus Sutra. When I first chanted the Daimoku in 1989 as … Continue reading 800 Years: Managing Expectations

The Third Memorial

Memorial Prayer, Aug. 11, 2022 I respectfully dedicate the merits of chanting the Lotus Sutra and reciting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo in the presence of the Buddha, the Founder Nichiren Shonin, and the Three Treasures to the spirit of Ryusho Jeffus Shonin for whom I observe the third memorial service today. May the sound of … Continue reading The Third Memorial

Wonderful-Voice Bodhisattva’s 16 Samādhis

In Chapter 24 of the Lotus Sutra we are introduced to a bodhisattva. Rissho Kosei-kai’s 1975 translation calls this bodhisattva Wonder Sound, Leon Hurvitz names him Fine Sound and Senchu Murano calls him Wonderful-Voice Bodhisattva. We are told that this bodhisattva has accumulated more samādhis than there are sands in the River Ganges. Of all … Continue reading Wonderful-Voice Bodhisattva’s 16 Samādhis

Kern’s Introduction

Download a PDF copy of Kern’s Introduction The Saddharma-puṇḍarika is one of the nine Dharmas which are known by the titles of—I. Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajn͂āpāramitā; 2. Gaṇḍavyūha; 3. Dasabhāmīsvara; 4. Samādhirāja; 5. Laṅkāvatāra; 6. Saddharma-puṇḍarika; 7. Tathāgataguhyaka; 8. Lalitavistara; 9. Suvarṇaprabhāsa. These nine works, to which divine worship is offered, embrace (to use the words of … Continue reading Kern’s Introduction

800 Years: Difficulty in Believing

After all, those with capacity to understand and have full faith in Buddhism who had the luck of listening to Śākyamuni Buddha preach the Lotus Sūtra in India must have accumulated a great deal of merit in their past lives. Moreover, they were fortunate to have been assisted and guided by the Lord Śākyamuni Buddha, … Continue reading 800 Years: Difficulty in Believing

Chapter 17

Download a PDF copy of the chapter Indication of the Meritoriousness of Joyful Acceptance Thereupon the Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Maitreya said to the Lord: O Lord, one who, after hearing this Dharmaparyāya being preached, joyfully accepts it, be that person a young man of good family or a young lady, how much merit, O Lord, will … Continue reading Chapter 17

Chapter 14

Download a PDF copy of the chapter Issuing of Bodhisattvas from the Gaps of the Earth Out of the multitude of Bodhisattvas Mahāsattvas who had flocked from other worlds, Bodhisattvas eight (times) equal to the sands of the river Ganges then rose from the assembled circle. Their joined hands stretched out towards the Lord to … Continue reading Chapter 14

800 Years: Imagine the Wonders that Occur with the Daimoku

QUESTION: You cannot burn anything by simply uttering the word, “fire,” repeatedly. Indeed, you have to use your hand in order to burn something. You cannot quench your thirst by just saying “water.” You need to use your mouth for drinking water. The same is true with the daimoku. I doubt it is possible to … Continue reading 800 Years: Imagine the Wonders that Occur with the Daimoku

Chapter 1

Download a PDF copy of this chapter Introductory Table comparing Arhats present in Chapter 1. Thus have I heard. Once upon a time the Lord was staying at Rājagṛha, on the Gṛdhrakūṭa mountain, with a numerous assemblage of monks, twelve hundred monks, all of them Arhats, stainless, free from depravity, self-controlled, thoroughly emancipated in thought … Continue reading Chapter 1

Daily Dharma – May 25, 2022

To see a Buddha is as difficult As to see an udumbara[-flower]. To avert a misfortune is also difficult. These verses are sung by two sons of a king in a story told by the Buddha in Chapter Twenty-Seven of the Lotus Sūtra. In the story, the boys have heard the Dharma from a previous … Continue reading Daily Dharma – May 25, 2022