Once upon a Future Time: Conclusions

Our search for the origins of the three-period system has brought us, then, to the following conclusions. The notions of saddharma and saddhanna-pratirūpaka were well established in Indian Mahāyāna literature by the middle of the 2nd century CE at the latest. Meanwhile, the term Paścimakāle (“latter age”) had also entered Indian Buddhist literature, likewise in … Continue reading Once upon a Future Time: Conclusions

The Problem With Mappō

Is it time to let go of our attachment as Nichiren Buddhists to the doctrine of Mappō, the Latter Age of Degeneration? Back on Aug. 17, 2019, I wrote a blog post entitled “Does the Eternal Buddha’s Teaching Lose Its Potency?” I argued then that the Lotus Sutra clearly teaches that the Eternal Buddha is … Continue reading The Problem With Mappō

Returning to Kern’s translation of the Lotus Sutra

Recently I’ve been exploring the concept of Mappō, the Latter Age of Degeneration. To that end I’ve read the first part of Jan Nattier’s “Once Upon A Future Time: Studies in a Buddhist Prophecy of Decline,” which details the history and sources of the idea that the Buddha’s teaching decline after his Parinirvāṇa. That led … Continue reading Returning to Kern’s translation of the Lotus Sutra

Day 4

Day 4 concludes Chapter 2, Expedients, and completes the first volume of the Sūtra of the Lotus flower of the Wonderful Dharma. Having last month considered in gāthās the 5,000 arrogant bhikṣus and bhikṣunīs, we consider why the Buddhas employ expedients. Śāriputra, listen attentively! The Buddhas, having attained the Dharma, Expound it to all living … Continue reading Day 4

Faith Vs. Practice

I began Higan Week with quotes from a Tibetan stream outside the ocean of the Lotus Sutra. Standing on the stream bank I wondered why Nichiren’s teaching on the Lotus Sutra doesn’t include the deep Bodhisattva practices that appear so beneficial. In the Nichiren Shu brochure about Higan, the seven-day period that occurs twice a … Continue reading Faith Vs. Practice

Purification Prayer

Japanese Lotus Millennialism

From Militant Nationalism to Contemporary Peace Movements In 2000, the Syracuse University Press published “Millennialism, Persecution, and Violence: Historical Cases,” an anthology of articles edited by Catherine Wessinger. Inside, is a chapter written by Jaqueline I. Stone entitled, “Japanese Lotus Millennialism: From Militant Nationalism to Contemporary Peace Movements.” Having just finished reprinting quotes from Stone’s … Continue reading Japanese Lotus Millennialism

The Meaning of the Sun Goddess and Hachiman on the Gohonzon

In the Mandala Gohonzon the phrase Namu-Myōhō Renge Kyō appears in the center with Nichiren’s signature in line below. The four corners are guarded by the four heavenly kings. In the middle on the side between the corners are representations of Fudo Myo-o and Aizen Myo-o. In the center on either side of the Daimoku … Continue reading The Meaning of the Sun Goddess and Hachiman on the Gohonzon

Nichiren as Honge Jogyo

In Kishio Satomi’s presentation of Nichirenism, and by extension his father Chigaku Tanaka’s view,  several concepts distinguish it from more traditional Nichiren theology. As discussed earlier, one aspect is the idea that Nichiren was greatly disturbed by the exile of three former emperors following the Shokyu War. Another aspect is Satomi’s emphasis on Nichiren seeing … Continue reading Nichiren as Honge Jogyo

Dharma Flower: The Faith, Teaching, and Practice of Nichiren Buddhism

This excerpt is from Rev. Ryūei Michael McCormick’s “Dharma Flower: The Faith, Teaching, and Practice of Nichiren Buddhism,” which is available online at nichirenbayarea.org This “Page” will provide the links to the various parts and chapters of my manuscript Dharma Flower: The Faith, Teaching, and Practice of Nichiren Buddhism. I first wrote it back in … Continue reading Dharma Flower: The Faith, Teaching, and Practice of Nichiren Buddhism