Seeing the Buddha

Although Shakyamuni passed away nearly 3,000 years ago, he still remains alive today through his words which have been written and passed down to us through the sutras. Therefore, if we wish to encounter the Buddha today, all we need to do is read, study and embrace the Lotus Sutra and its heart and essence, the Odaimoku of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. Nichiren Shonin explains this specific point in the Kanjin Honzon Sho: People can attain Buddhahood in two ways: by meeting the Buddha and listening to the Lotus Sutra, or by believing in the Sutra, even if they are unable to (physically) see the Buddha.”

Odaimoku: The Significance Of Chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo

What is Buddhahood or how would you describe it?

[This continues a previous conversation] What is Buddhahood or, how would you describe it? It seems like such a vague term to me. Everywhere i’ve read, vagueness abounds. I was hoping you could maybe offer your take on this word? On the meaning of Buddhahood, I like Ven. Kenjo Igarashi’s explanation here. Specifically to Nichiren … Continue reading What is Buddhahood or how would you describe it?

Previous Existences

Attended Sunday services online with Myosho-ji, Wonderful Voice Buddhist Temple, Charlotte, NC. Rev. Ryusho Jeffus has been working on a project where he takes one chapter of the Lotus Sutra each month and creates illustrations and then writes a commentary. I keep a directory of this project here. Following the service, Ryusho Shonin showed off … Continue reading Previous Existences

God in Heaven

Ven. Kenjo Igarashi serves members of the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church, but also Nichiren Shu practitioners in Chicago and elsewhere. As he was mentioning last week, he performs a lot of funerals. At last week’s service, he offered an outline of the reason behind the Japanese traditional 49 day ceremony for the dead. It went … Continue reading God in Heaven

Daily Dharma – Aug. 16, 2024

You have a grandson, Lord Jibu, who is a Buddhist priest. This priest is neither an upholder of precepts nor especially rich in wisdom. He neither observes even one of the 250 precepts nor maintains even one of the 3000 solemn rules of conduct. In wisdom he is like a horse or a cow while … Continue reading Daily Dharma – Aug. 16, 2024

‘Three Thousands’

The whole universe is said to have the constituency of ‘three thousands,’ but the theory is quite different from other pluralistic systems. It is not an enumeration of all dharmas; nor is it the world system of three Chiliocosms. What is it then? We must explain these ‘three thousands.’ The expression ‘three thousands’ does not … Continue reading ‘Three Thousands’

Daily Dharma – April 19, 2024

When the sky is blue, the land is bright. In this way those who know the Lotus Sutra can see the reasons for occurrences in the world. For those who are incapable of understanding the truth of the “3000 existences contained in one thought,” Lord Śākyamuni Buddha with his great compassion, wraps this jewel with … Continue reading Daily Dharma – April 19, 2024

Daily Dharma – March 20, 2024

You have a grandson, Lord Jibu, who is a Buddhist priest. This priest is neither an upholder of precepts nor especially rich in wisdom. He neither observes even one of the 250 precepts nor maintains even one of the 3000 solemn rules of conduct. In wisdom he is like a horse or a cow while … Continue reading Daily Dharma – March 20, 2024

Lotus Sutra With Annotations

The Lotus Sutra text without annotations Day 1 Chapter 1: Introductory Thus have I heard.[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] The Buddha once lived on Mt. Gṛdhrakūṭa [1] in the City of King-House. He was accompanied by twelve thousand great bhikṣus. They were Arhats.[1] They had already eliminated … Continue reading Lotus Sutra With Annotations

The Last Age: A Dark Era

Jacqueline I. Stone wrote the journal article “Seeking Enlightenment in the Last Age: Mappō Thought in Kamakura Buddhism” (PDF) in 1985 while still a UCLA Master’s student who went by Jackie Stone. Her essay declares: Buddhist tradition maintains that as the world moves farther and farther away from the age of Shakyamuni Buddha, understanding of … Continue reading The Last Age: A Dark Era