The Five Characters of Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo

The five characters of Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo possess the entirety of the Buddha’s great compassion, the power to save people, the wisdom of Buddhahood, and the Buddha’s virtues. Nichiren Shōnin said, “The virtue of the Odaimoku should be equal to the virtue of Śākyamuni Buddha” (Matsuno-dono Gohenji). Thus, Śākyamuni Buddha is the Eternal Buddha.

“For those who are incapable of understanding the truth of the ‘3,000 existences contained in one thought,’ Lord Śākyamuni Buddha, with his great compassion, wraps this jewel with the five characters of myo, ho, ren, ge, and kyo and hangs it around the neck of the ignorant in the Latter Age of Degeneration.”
(Kanjin Honzon-shō, WNS2, p. 164).

Buddha Seed: Understanding the Odaimoku

The World of Ichinen Sanzen of Ji

That Śākyamuni Buddha is in us also means we are In Śākyamuni Buddha. In other words, we are living in the Buddha’s life. These phrases show us the meaning that the Buddha and we are united and seen from the Buddha’s perspective, we are also one with him.

Nichiren Shōnin stated in the Kanjin Honzon Shō,

“Śākyamuni Buddha, the Lord-preacher of this Pure Land, has never died in the past, nor will He be born in the future. He exists forever throughout the past, present, and future. All those who receive His guidance are one with this Eternal Buddha. It is because each of our minds is equipped with the ‘3,000 modes of existence’ and the ‘Three Factors,’ namely, all living beings, the land in which they live, and the five elements of living beings.”
(WNS2, page 148)

In summary, according to the doctrine of Hon-In Hon-Ga (true cause and true effect) and Ichinen Sanzen of Ji, a master (the Buddha) and his disciples (beings of nine realms, especially followers of the Lotus Sūtra) are beginningless and endless and one with the Buddha. This is the world of Ichinen Sanzen of Ji.

Buddha Seed: Understanding the Odaimoku

The Practice of the Lotus Teaching

Grand Master Miao-lê, in explaining the practice of the Lotus teaching in his Annotations on the Great Concentration and Insight, declared that the Lotus Sūtra would be easy to practice for the ignorant and slow in the Latter Age because they would be able to meet Universal Sage Bodhisattva, the Buddha of Many Treasures and … Continue reading The Practice of the Lotus Teaching

The Three Proclamations

The meaning of [the three proclamations] in the “Appearance of the Stupa of Treasures” chapter is clear. It is as clear as the great sun shining in the sky or a mole on a white face. Nevertheless, those who were born blind, those who have slanted eyes, who are one-eyed, who believe that only their … Continue reading The Three Proclamations

One Body and One Thought

The important statement in the fifth fascicle of the Great Concentration and Insight reads, “One moment of thought possesses ten realms of all phenomena. Each of the ten realms also has the ten realms of all phenomena, making a total of one hundred realms of all phenomena. Because each of the hundred realms has thirty … Continue reading One Body and One Thought

How to Receive a Gohonzon

On Oct. 8, 2019, I received a contact email from Richard, who lives in Sydney, Australia. Richard asked how he might receive a Gohonzon. He said he has been practicing on his own, chanting and reciting the Lotus Sutra. I replied to his contact email, but the email address he provided doesn’t work. So, I’ll … Continue reading How to Receive a Gohonzon

Included in the Daimoku

QUESTION: Why don’t you encourage people to contemplate the three thousand existences contained in one thought, instead of only advocating the chanting of the daimoku? ANSWER: The two characters in the name Japan bring together all 66 provinces, with all their people, animals, and wealth without a single exception. Likewise, don’t the two characters for … Continue reading Included in the Daimoku

Denouncing Enemies of the Lotus Sūtra

There are some who strongly believe in the Lotus Sūtra, but they do not denounce the enemies of the sūtra. Even if they do good deeds, read and copy the Lotus Sūtra ten million times, and master the heart of the “3,000 existences contained in one thought” doctrine theoretically, if they do not denounce the … Continue reading Denouncing Enemies of the Lotus Sūtra

The Ten Objects Ten Stage Meditation

QUESTION: Why is the Wonderful Dharma called the “three thousand existences contained in one thought”? ANSWER: Grand Master T’ien-t’ai, after perceiving the “three thousand existences contained in one thought” doctrine, expounded many teachings such as the Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sūtra (consisting of ten fascicles); the Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sūtra (consisting … Continue reading The Ten Objects Ten Stage Meditation

The Person who has Lost his Right Mind

The reason why such śrāvaka disciples as Śāripūtra and Maudgalyāyana were in the Hell of Incessant Suffering for as long as 3,000 or 500 (million) dust-particle kalpa was not because they committed the crime of ten evil acts, five rebellious sins, or eight rebellious sins such as treason. It was simply because they met “evil … Continue reading The Person who has Lost his Right Mind