Never-Despising Bodhisattva’s Hurry to Preach the Lotus Sūtra

The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sūtra, fascicle 10, says, “A question was asked why Never-Despising Bodhisattva was in such a hurry in preaching the Lotus Sūtra while the Buddha had not expounded it for 42 years after appearing in the world. It was answered that the Buddha preached the Hinayāna teaching first for … Continue reading Never-Despising Bodhisattva’s Hurry to Preach the Lotus Sūtra

Difficulty in Meeting the Lotus Sūtra

The Lotus Sūtra preaches in chapter 2, “Expedients,” of the first fascicle that to have the opportunity to hear teachers of this sūtra is rare even during innumerable kalpa (aeons) of time. The sūtra also states in chapter 14, “peaceful Practices,” of the fifth fascicle that it is difficult to hear even the title of … Continue reading Difficulty in Meeting the Lotus Sūtra

Reason for Transmigrating the Six Realms

The reason why those who had received the seed of Buddhahood in the eternal past have been transmigrating the six realms (lower states of existence) ever since for as long as “500 dust-particle kalpa” without attaining Buddhahood, and those who had heard the Lotus Sūtra at the time of the Great Universal Wisdom Buddha have … Continue reading Reason for Transmigrating the Six Realms

The Only Way Seemingly Leading to Buddhahood

The only way seemingly that leads to Buddhahood is the “3,000 in one thought” doctrine of T’ien-t’ai. However, we in the Latter Age of Degeneration do not possess the intelligence to understand it; nevertheless, among all the sūtras preached by Śākyamuni during His lifetime, only the Lotus Sūtra embodies the gem of the “3,000 in … Continue reading The Only Way Seemingly Leading to Buddhahood

If They Are Not Moved to Believe in the Lotus Sūtra

As I contemplate this, those who become the king and deities of Japan are bodhisattvas in the rank of sangen (three wisdoms) according to Hinayāna Buddhism and bodhisattvas in the rank of initial ten (jūshin) of the 52 ranks in Mahāyāna. In the six-stage practice of the Lotus Sutra, they are at the second stage … Continue reading If They Are Not Moved to Believe in the Lotus Sūtra

Perils of Disparaging the Lotus Sūtra and its Practicer

It is preached in the Lotus Sūtra, in the second fascicle (“A Parable” chapter): “Suppose there is a person who does not believe in this sūtra and instead disparages it or despises, hates, or bears a grudge against those who uphold this sūtra by reading, reciting, or copying it. Such a person will fall into … Continue reading Perils of Disparaging the Lotus Sūtra and its Practicer

Misled by ‘Evil Friends’

In the final analysis, no matter how I am abandoned by gods and how much difficulty I encounter, I will uphold the Lotus Sūtra at the cost of my own life. Śāripūtra could not attain Buddhahood after having practiced the way of the bodhisattva for as long as sixty kalpa because he could not endure … Continue reading Misled by ‘Evil Friends’

The Most Serious Sins Ever to Appear

There will be a person who hates the Buddha physically, verbally, and mentally for as long as a kalpa like Devadatta. The Buddha was the crown prince of King Śuddhodana while Devadatta was a prince of Doroṇodana, and therefore the Buddha and Devadatta were first cousins. In the past as well as today, among sages … Continue reading The Most Serious Sins Ever to Appear

The ‘Three Hindrances’ and ‘Four Devils’

The Great Concentration and Insight by Grand Master T’ien-t’ai is the greatest of his works and contains the essence of the holy teachings of Śākyamuni Buddha preached in His lifetime. About 500 years or so since Buddhism was brought into China, the wisdom of the three Southern and seven Northern masters was comparable to the … Continue reading The ‘Three Hindrances’ and ‘Four Devils’

Opening the Way for Women of the Latter Age

[T]he example of the dragon girl becoming a Buddha does not mean only her. It means the attainment of Buddhahood by all women. In the Hinayāna sūtras preached before the Lotus Sūtra a woman is not thought of in terms of attaining Buddhahood. Various Mahāyāna sūtras appear to recognize women attaining Buddhahood or going to … Continue reading Opening the Way for Women of the Latter Age