One Body and One Thought

The important statement in the fifth fascicle of the Great Concentration and Insight reads, “One moment of thought possesses ten realms of all phenomena. Each of the ten realms also has the ten realms of all phenomena, making a total of one hundred realms of all phenomena. Because each of the hundred realms has thirty factors of existences (the Three Factors of Existences—living beings, environment, and the five constituent elements of living beings—multiplied by ten as each of them has ten aspects), the hundred realms of all phenomena possess the three thousand factors of existences. These three thousand factors of existences are contained in one thought.” Grand Master Miao-lê interpreted this, saying in his Annotations on the Great Concentration and Insight, “Know this: in both sentient and insentient beings exist three thousand factors of existences in one thought. Therefore, when they become enlightened, one body and one thought will permeate throughout the realms of all phenomena according to this wonderful principle of ‘3,000 existences contained in one thought.’ ”

Ichidai Shōgyō Tai-I, Outline of All the Holy Teachings of the Buddha, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Doctrine 3, Page 90