Odaimoku Shakyo Practice

My setup in preparation of Odaimoku Shakyo practice

Download instructions and practice sheet
Finally set aside some time to do Odaimoku Shakyo. I have been anxious to do this since I received a copy of Rev. Shoda Kanai’s instructions, which were distributed in advance of the Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada Shakyo Odaimoku Tracing service on June 27.

Not only do the instructions include all of the ritual preparation, but it also includes stroke-by-stroke diagrams for each character of the Daimoku.

This is a far cry from the last time I tried this. Rev. Ryusho Jeffus offered shakyo tracing during his 2nd Annual Urban Dharma Retreat in August 2016. However, Ryusho didn’t offer the stroke order or the purification setup.

I hope to make this a regular addition to my practice.

The finished shakyo page