Mind Stupidity

[Chih-i] contemplates the Twelvefold Causality by viewing ignorance (āvidya) as only the product of a stupid mind. Chih-i describes how various conditions arouse various links in the Twelvefold Causality, and how the Three Virtuous Qualities of Buddhahood (i.e., perfect wisdom, liberation, and Dharmabody) can be attained when the Threefold Course of Ignorance (i.e., suffering, karman and affliction) is extinguished:

“Ignorance is just mind stupidity. If the mind is at the state of stupidity, it arouses affliction [kleśa]. From affliction, various kinds of karman rise. From karman, various types of suffering [cluḥkha] rise.”126 If ignorance is destroyed, prajn͂ā is manifested. If karman is destroyed, liberation is manifested. If consciousness, and name-and-form are destroyed, the dharmakāya is manifested.” (Vol. 2, Page 150)

The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra: Tien-tai Philosophy of Buddhism