Five meanings that are related to mind are enumerated by Chih-i.
With regard to mind that contains the meaning “foundation for dharma”(Hsin-shih Fa-pen), this means that apart from mind, nothing exists, in a sense that it is due to the function of mind that things in the world are perceived. Therefore, mind is the foundation for dharma. This meaning is further illustrated by Chih-i with reference to words, practice and principle. The mind is the foundation for words, given the fact that without mind, there are no thoughts and feelings, and without thoughts and feelings, there are no words. The reason that mind is the foundation for practice is because all practices are established due to mind of thinking. The reason that mind is the foundation for principle is because mind embraces the principle, in the sense that mind enables one to initiate an aspiration to attain truth, from which one can eventually realize the Absolute Truth. (Vol. 2, Page 396)
The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra: Tien-tai Philosophy of Buddhism