[L]ooking at the Lotus Sūtra, we find that the Buddha says, “Many people hate it (the Lotus Sūtra) with jealousy even in My lifetime. Needless to say, more people will do so after My extinction” in the “Teacher of the Dharma” chapter, and “In order to spread the Lotus Sūtra for a long time in this world” in the “Appearance of the Stupa of Treasures” chapter. Considering these statements, the Lotus Sūtra is expounded for those of us living in the Latter Age of Degeneration. Therefore, referring to this period, Grand Master T’ien-t’ai says, “Up to the fifth 500-year period after the Buddha’s extinction, people receive merit of the Wonderful Dharma afar.” Grand Master Dengyō also speaks of this period, “The Ages of the True Dharma and the Semblance Dharma have almost passed, and the Latter Age of Degeneration is shortly coming.” The Latter Age of Degeneration is coming shortly means that the time when he lived was not the time for the Lotus Sūtra to spread, but the Latter Age of Degeneration is.
Hokke Shuyō Shō, Treatise on the Essence of the Lotus Sūtra, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Doctrine 2, Page 214