Inspiring a Soul into Portraits and Wooden Statues

[T]he “3,000 existences contained in one thought” doctrine is based on the three realms of existence: the realm of living beings, the realm of five components, and the realm of environment. Putting aside the first two realms for now, the third realm of environment includes trees and plants. The five colors of paint are made of trees and plants and therefore a portrait painted with colors of paint is made of trees and plants. Also, a wooden statue is made of wood. It is the power of the Lotus Sūtra that inspires a soul into these portraits and wooden statues. This is based on the “3,000 existences contained in one thought” doctrine perceived by Grand Master T’ien-t’ai. Applied to living beings, this doctrine means the “attainment of Buddhahood with one’s present body. ” Applied to the portraits and wooden statues, it means the “attainment of Buddhahood by trees and plants.”

Applauding the doctrine of T’ien-t’ai expounded in his Great Concentration and Insight, Grand Master Chang-an states, “The doctrine of ‘tranquility and contemplation’ has never been made as clear as this,” while Grand Master Miao-lê states in his Annotations on the Great Concentration and Insight, “Preaching that insentient beings such as trees and plants possess the Buddha-nature, T’ien-t’ai startled the people.” This doctrine of “3,000 existences contained in one thought” had never appeared before T’ien-t’ai nor was it to appear again. If it did appear later, it must have been plagiarized from his doctrine.

Shijō Kingo Shakabutsu Kuyō-ji, Opening the Eyes Service of Shijō Kingo’s Statue of Śākyamuni, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 6, Followers I, Page 132