In Harmony

Our actions are an opportunity to recite the sutra with our lives. We have a choice as to whether our actions are melodic, in harmony with the situation and task at hand, or whether they will be discordant and at odds with our environment. Harmony yields joy; disharmony yields discomfort. When we are in harmony with the Lotus Sutra, it makes it easy for others to enter the wonderful benefits of the Dharma even without being aware of those benefits. This the Buddha responds to, this their Buddha nature responds to and this awakens the seed to their enlightenment. There is nothing we need to do but provide the nutrients to the awakening of their Buddha nature.

The notion of converting people, or convincing them to take faith in the Lotus Sutra, is at odds with the belief that everyone possesses a Buddha nature within their lives. Seriously, what is there I can convince someone of, or convert them to, if they are already a Buddha? Rather it is incumbent on me to provide the fertile field for their Buddha nature to sprout and grow from within their lives. Conversion is a mind game and one of dominance. It is operating from a mindset of superiority and subjugation, which is contrary to everything in the Lotus Sutra.

Important Matters, p 31-32