Higan: Teaching Perseverance

Today is the fifth day of Higan week, the three days before the equinox and the three days after. As explained in a Nichiren Shu brochure:

For Buddhists, this period is not just one characterized by days with almost equal portions of light and dark. Rather, it is a period in which we strive to consciously reflect upon ourselves and our deeds.

The today we consider the Perfection of Energy. For this Fall Higan week I’m using quotes from Chapter IV of The Sutra of Queen Śrimālā of the Lion’s Roar in which Śrimālā compares the Six Perfections to the True Dharma.

“Lord, the perfections are not different from the one who accepts the True Dharma. The one who accepts the True Dharma is identical with the perfections. Why? …

4) “Good sons and daughters do not teach indolence but the desire [to practice], supreme perseverance, and cultivation of the four correct postures to those who respond to perseverance. By protecting these [living beings’] intentions, they teach them. When they are thus taught and caused to abide in the True Dharma, this is called the perfection of perseverance (vīrya). …

“Therefore, O Lord, the perfections are not different from the one who accepts the True Dharma. The one who accepts the True Dharma is identical with the perfections.