Happy Birthday, Sakyamuni

Hanamatsuri (flower festival) decorations in front of the altar on April 10, 2016
Hanamatsuri (flower festival) decorations in front of the altar on April 10, 2016

During the service parishioners use ladle to pour sweet tea over the statue and bathe the baby Sakyamuni.
During the service parishioners use ladle to pour sweet tea over the statue and bathe the baby Sakyamuni.

Today was Hanamatsuri, the flower festival service honoring the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha. The beautiful flower arrangement covering the statue of the baby Sakyamuni was done by Ven. Kenjo Igarashi using flowers grown on the grounds of the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church.

According to tradition, when Sakyamuni was born he immediately walked seven steps and declared, “I alone am honored in heaven and on earth” as he pointed up with one hand and down with the other to indicate he would unite heaven and earth.

Rev. Igarashi’s sermon covered why it is important to make good causes, using the tale of a selfish junior priest as a lesson in the cause and effect consequences of being greedy.

Following the service, everyone was invited for “refreshments” – sushi rice, pasta salad (I’m sure there is a Japanese term for that dish but I don’t know it), barbecue chicken and three different dessert cakes.

Making the gathering even more enjoyable was the welcome provided to two guests who were attending services for the first time.