Getting Involved in the Buddha’s Life

We get involved in the Buddha’s life by devoting ourselves to participating in the Buddha’s activities. We can carry out the Buddha’s activities by using our bodies to carry out His work. This is attaining Buddhahood in one’s present form or Sokushin Jöbutsu. It is essentially attaining Buddhahood by receiving the teaching of the Lotus Sutra and expressing the teachings through one’s body.

This means to believe in the Lotus Sutra, to respect the Buddha, to chant the Odaimoku, and to realize oneself to be a messenger of the Buddha; and thus, work to help Him.

In the Teacher of the Dharma Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha states, “The good men or women who expound even a phrase of the Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma eve to one person even in secret after my extinction, know this, are my messengers. They are dispatched by me. They do my work.” (Murano, p. 172)

Buddha Seed: Understanding the Odaimoku