Gaining the Supreme Gem of Treasures

In the Lotus Sūtra it is guaranteed that Śāriputra would be Flower Light Buddha, Subhūti would be Beautiful Form Buddha, and the 1,200 śrāvaka disciples would all be Universal Brightness Buddhas. This was a great surprise that they had never dreamed of. They must have felt as though they entered a mountain of treasures upon the crumbling of Mt. Kun-lun. Thus it is stated in the passage of understanding by the Two Vehicles, “We were able to gain the supreme gem of treasures without seeking it.” Therefore, there is no doubt that all those in the realms of the Two Vehicles will protect the practicer of the Lotus Sūtra. Even lowly beasts and birds remember the favors they owe and try to repay them. It is said that a bird called wild goose never fails to take care of the mother goose on the verge of death. A fox is said to die facing toward the hill where it lived. Even beasts do not forget the favor they owe, how much more so with human beings?

Kitō Shō, Treatise on Prayers, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Faith and Practice, Volume 4, Page 57-58