Gaining Entrance to the Lotus Throne

Those who are originally transformed and have entered the Lotus Throne are one extreme. Those who have not yet entered are, like the skillful means [to lead them to enter Buddhahood], without end. Those in the middle are also like this. Some [enter] by means of [the teachings of] the Avataṃsaka Sūtra, the Vaipulya, or the Prajn͂āpāramitā Sūtras; others enter the Lotus Throne by advancing from the Shared to the Distinct, from the shared to the Perfect, from the Distinct to the Perfect, and so forth. These are no different from the original entering [of the Lotus Throne by the Buddha]. These are the other extreme. Those who have not yet entered [the Lotus Throne] should “brew” the four flavors [from milk to butter] and then all will achieve [the ghee of] entrance to the Lotus Throne by means of this Lotus Sūtra.

Foundations of T'ien T'ai Philosophy, p 249