Facial Expression of the Ten Realms

QUESTION: I do not dare question what the Lotus Sūtra says and how T’ien-t’ai and his disciple Chang-an interpreted it regarding the “mutual possession of ten realms.” However, they sound as though they are calling fire, “water,” and black, “white.” It is hard to understand although I believe this is what the Buddha preached. Now, no matter how many times we look at each other’s faces, we see only a human being, not anything of other realms. It is the same with our own face. How is it possible to believe in the “mutual possession of the ten realms” doctrine?

ANSWER: As we often look at each other’s faces, we notice our facial expression changes from time to time. It is full of delight, anger, or calm sometimes; but other times it changes to greed, ignorance, or flattery. Anger represents hells; greed—hungry spirits; ignorance—beasts; flattery—asura demons; delight—gods; and calm—men. Thus, we see in the countenance of people six realms of illusion, from hells to the realm of gods. We cannot see four realms of holy ones (śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha, bodhisattvas, and Buddhas), which are hidden from our eyes. Nevertheless, we must be able to see them, too, if we look for them carefully.

Kanjin Honzon-shō, A Treatise Revealing the Spiritual Contemplation and the Most Verable One, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Doctrine 2, Page 134-135