Due to the Great Favor of the Lotus Sūtra

All bodhisattvas and ordinary beings tried in vain for incalculable kalpa (aeons) to attain Buddhahood by practicing the sūtras preached by the Buddha during the 40 years before the Lotus Sūtra. They became Buddhas instantly, however, by practicing the Lotus Sūtra and now exist in all the worlds throughout the universe. These Buddhas with the 32 marks of physical excellence and 80 minor marks of physical excellence are looked upon by those in the nine realms as if they are stars revolving around the moon, Mt. Sumeru is surrounded by eight mountains, the sun is looked upon by the people in the four continents, or the Wheel-turning Noble King is revered by the whole nation. Is not this solely due to the great favor of the Lotus Sūtra?

Kitō Shō, Treatise on Prayers, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Faith and Practice, Volume 4, Page 60