Divine Intervention


This morning I posted the above image on my Instagram feed with the caption: Count Every Vote!  (This was prompted by this story.)

After posting on Instagram, I felt a little guilty about poking fun at people who believe they have an army of angels ready to intervene in the machinations of a presidential campaign. After all, I’m the guy who sits in front of an altar twice a day and prays to countless deities.

2020 New Year altar

This election week I even paid special attention to the Seven Happy Gods in hopes of influencing the election.

Monday is Bishamon, the Heavenly King of the North who protects against evil. His specific attribute is Dignity.

On Election Day, Tuesday, is Ebisu the god of fishing, shipping and commerce. His specific attribute is Honesty.

On Wednesday is Benten, the god of arts and knowledge. By this day I’m wondering how this is going to fit since her specific attribute is Joy. I wasn’t feeling much joy.

But today was Jurōjin, the god of wisdom and longevity, whose specific attribute is wisdom and I felt better. Stay calm.

Tomorrow will be Fukurokuju, the god of happiness, wealth and longevity, whose specific attribute is longevity. After President Trump’s Thursday night press conference claiming fraud is costing him the election, I’ll wish for a little less longevity for the counting.

But Saturday I expect to be great. Hotei is the god of happiness and abundance and his specific attribute is happiness. I’m expecting abundant votes for Biden in Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

And finally by Sunday, Daikoku, the god of wealth and prosperity will reign, and his specific attribute – fortune – will be on the minds of all as we consider the strength of our democracy and power of each vote.