Day 9

Day 9 covers Chapter 5, The Simile of Herbs, and introduces Chapter 6, Assurance of Future Buddhahood.

Having last month heard the prediction of future Buddhahood of Mahā-Kāśyapa, we repeat in gāthās.

Thereupon the World-Honored One, wishing to repeat what he had said, sang in gāthās:

I will tell you, bhikṣus.
I see this Kāśyapa
With the eyes of the Buddha.
He will become a Buddha
In his future life
After innumerable’ kalpas from now.

He will see in his future life
Three hundred billions
Of Buddhas, of World-Honored Ones.
He will make offerings to them,
And perform brahma practices
To obtain the wisdom of the Buddha.
Having made offerings
To the Most Honorable Bipeds,
He will study and practice
Unsurpassed wisdom,
And become a Buddha on the final stage
Of his physical existence.

The ground [of his world] will be pure.
It will be made of lapis lazuli.
Many jeweled trees
Will stand on the roadsides.
The roads will be marked off by ropes of gold.
Anyone will rejoice at seeing them.

Fragrance will be sent forth from the trees;
And beautiful flowers will be strewn
On the ground, which will be adorned
With various wonderful things.
The ground will be even,
And devoid of mounds and pits.

The number of the Bodhisattvas
Will be beyond calculation.
They will be gentle.
They will have great supernatural powers.
They will keep the sutras of the Great Vehicle
Expounded by the Buddhas.

The Śrāvakas will have already eliminated āsravas,
And reached the final stage of their physical existence.
They will become sons of the King of the Dharma.
Their number also will be beyond calculation.
Even those who have heavenly eyes
Will not be able to count them.

The duration of the life of that Buddha
Will be twelve small kalpas.
His right teachings will be preserved
For twenty small kalpas.
The counterfeit of his right teachings
Will be preserved also for twenty small kalpas.
All this is my prophecy
About the World-Honored One called Light.

Nichiren used Venerable Mahā-Kāśyapa and the benefit he received from giving a bowl or rice cooked with barley to a pratyekabuddha during a famine in a past life to explain the benefits of giving contributions today in his letter Nanjō-dono Gohenji, Reply to Lord Nanjō:

Contemplating the state of affairs today through the examples of Venerables Aniruddha and Mahā-Kāśyapa, isn’t it unreasonable to say that a bowl or rice cooked with barley offered by Venerable Mahā-Kāśyapa was so precious that the donor with its merit became the Light Buddha, but a bale of polished barley donated today does not have the same value and will not lead you to become a Buddha? This is impossible. The moon during the lifetime of the Buddha is the same as the moon today. The flower at the time of the Buddha is the same flower today. The merit of offering in the past remains the same today. Even more so, I am today a practicer of the Lotus Sūtra, despised by all the people in Japan, the ruler on top to his subjects below, and about to die of starvation. Feeling sorry for me, you kindly sent me articles of your goodwill all the way over the mountains and across rivers. They are not just barley and wheat but pieces of gold. They are not pieces of gold. They are the characters of the Lotus Sūtra. They look like barley and wheat to our human eyes, but the ten female rākṣasa demons will see the seed of Buddhahood in them.

Nanjō-dono Gohenji, Reply to Lord Nanjō , Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 7, Followers II, Pages 12-13