Day 3

Day 3 covers the first half of Chapter 2, Expedients.

Having last month considered what happened when the World-Honored One emerged quietly from his samādhi, we consider the ten suchnesses.

Śāriputra! In short, the Buddhas attained the innumerable teachings which you have never heard before. No more, Śāriputra, will I say because the Dharma attained by the Buddhas is the highest Truth, rare [to hear] and difficult to understand. Only the Buddhas attained [the highest Truth, that is,] the reality of all things’ in regard to their appearances as such, their natures as such, their entities as such, their powers as such, their activities as such, their primary causes as such, their environmental causes as such, their effects as such, their rewards and retributions as such, and their equality as such [despite these differences].

See Ten Suchnesses Three Ways