Day 20

Day 20 completes Chapter 15, The Appearance of Bodhisattvas from Underground, and concludes the Fifth Volume of the Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma.

Last month I focused on the Buddha’s response to the great Bodhisattvas, who asked if the living beings “are ready to receive your teaching” and the fact that he “already taught them in their consecutive previous existences.”

This time through I’ll focus on these great Bodhisattvas.

Today’s quote from Rev. Ryusho Jeffus’ Lecture on the Lotus Sutra offers some insight on the topic:

The great bodhisattvas who have emerged from the ground go up to the sky and bow before the great stupa with the two Buddhas seated side by side. Then they return to the ground, go around and greet each of the emanation Buddhas one by one, after which the Bodhisattvas return to the sky. This activity takes a great deal of time, fifty kalpas we are told, and yet the time only seemed to be no more than half a day to those who witnessed it due to the great power of the Buddha. Notice here that these Bodhisattvas had complete freedom of movement, they could go up to the sky, they could return to the ground and travel about, and they could then again return to the sky. This is in sharp contrast to the members of the original assembly who had to be raised up by the power of the Buddha.

These Bodhisattvas from beneath the ground not only have the marks and characteristics of the Buddha, they also have the powers of the Buddha.

This is not lost on the Bodhisattvas who were already in the congregation. Maitreya, who will become the next Buddha in the Saha World, sings in gathas:

We have never seen
These many thousands of billions
Of Bodhisattvas.
Tell me, Most Honorable Biped!
Where did they come from?
They have gigantic bodies,
Great supernatural powers, and inconceivable wisdom.
They are resolute in mind.
They have a great power of patience.
All living beings are glad to see them.
Where did they come from?

And …

No one will be able to count
All [these great Bodhisattvas] even if he uses
A counting wand for more kalpas
Than the number of the sands of the River Ganges.

These Bodhisattvas have
Great powers, virtues and energy.
Who expounded the Dharma to them? Who taught them?
Who qualified them to attain [perfect enlightenment]?

Under whom did they begin to aspire for enlightenment?
What teaching of the Buddha did they extol?
What sutra did they keep and practice?
What teaching of the Buddha did they study?

These Bodhisattvas have supernatural powers
And the great power of wisdom.
The ground of this world quaked and cracked.
They sprang up from under the four quarters of this world.

World-Honored One!
I have never seen them before.
I do not know
Any of them.

They appeared suddenly from underground.
Tell me why!
Many thousands of myriads
Of millions of Bodhisattvas
In this great congregation
Also want to know this.

There must be some reason.
Possesor of Immeasurable Virtues!
World-Honored One!
Remove our doubts!