Day 18

Day 18 concludes Chapter 13, Encouragement for Keeping this Sutra, and begins Chapter 14, Peaceful Practices.

Last month, I discussed the first of the four sets of things a Bodhisattva-mahasattva who wishes to expound this sutra should do in the evil world after the Buddha’s extinction. This time through, I review the things to be approached:

We are given a lengthy list of proper things the Bodhisattva-mahasattva should avoid, e.g. kings, princes, ministers or other government directors; heretics; aspirants for the teaching of Brahman; writers of worldly literature; players of dangerous sports such as boxers or wrestlers; or hunters or fishermen.

That’s just a partial list of those whom a Bodhisattva should not approach.


When they come to him, he should expound the Dharma to them, but should not wish [to receive anything from them].

And in gathas:

A Bodhisattva who wishes
To expound this sutra without fear
In the evil world
After [my extinction]
Should perform proper practices
And approach proper things.

He should keep away
From kings, princes and ministers,
From other government officials,
From players of dangerous sports,
From candalas, from heretics,
And from aspirants for the teaching of Brahman.

He should not approach arrogant people,
Or the scholars who are deeply attached
To the Three Stores of the Lesser Vehicle,
Or the bhilsus
Who violate the precepts,
Or self-appointed Arhats,
Or the bhisunis
Who like to laugh playfully.

He should not approach the upasikas
Who are attached to the five desires
Or who seek in their present life
The extitiction[-without-remainder].

When they come to him
With good intent
In order to hear
About the enlightenment of the Buddha,
He should expound the Dharma to them
Without fear,
But should not wish to receive
Anything from them.

Next month, the proper things a Bodhisattva should know.