Consummated in the Lotus Sūtra

There are immeasurable doctrines, with vast and far-reaching meaning. Further, they are mutually interrelated, from the shallow to the profound, some apparent and some hidden. The horizontal [identities] are all included and the vertical [grades of teaching and practice] are culminated. They are all consummated in the Lotus Sūtra. The Buddhas of old, the twenty-thousand [named Sun and Moon] Glow,594 Kasyapa, and so forth, constructed teachings, and the subtle was here culminated.

Foundations of T'ien T'ai Philosophy, p 250
Candrasūryapradīpa. In the introductory chapter of the Lotus Sūtra it is said that these Buddhas, all with the same name, preached the Sūtra of Immeasurable Meanings as an introduction to the Lotus Sūtra. return