Day 11

Day 11 continues Chapter 7, The Parable of the Magic City

Today’s section of the Lotus Sutra is all about the light that accompanies the enlightenment of Great-Universal-Wisdom-Excellence Buddha:

When Great-Universal-Wisdom-Excellence Buddha attained Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, five hundred billion Buddha-worlds in each of the ten quarters quaked in the six ways, and all those worlds, including those intercepted from the brilliant rays of light of the sun and the moon by the neighboring worlds, were illumined [by great rays of light], and the living beings of those worlds were able to see each other for the first time. They said to each other, ‘How did you appear so suddenly?’ The palaces of the gods of those worlds, including the palace of Brahmans, also quaked in the six ways. The great rays of light which illumined all those worlds were brighter than the rays of light emitted by those gods.

The Brahman-heavenly-kings of each of the 10 directions react to this sudden illumination. Today, I’ll single out the reaction of the Brahman-­heavenly-king called Great-Compassion of the five hundred billion worlds in the southeast. Great-Compassion and the other Brahman-heavenly-kings went to the northwest, carrying flower-plates filled with heavenly flowers. Their palaces also moved as they went.

After greeting the Buddha and offering the flowers and their palaces, the Brahman-heavenly-kings of the southeast sang in gathas:

Saintly Master, God of Gods!
Your voice is as sweet as a kalavinka’s.
You have compassion towards all living beings.
We now bow before you.
You, the World-Honored One, are exceptional.
You appear only once in a very long time.

No Buddha has appeared
For the past one hundred and eighty kalpas.
The three evil regions are crowded;
And the living beings in heaven, decreasing.

Now you have appeared in this world
And become the eye of all living beings.
As their refuge, you are saving them.
As their father, you are benefiting them
Out of your compassion towards them.
We are now able to see you
Because we accumulated merits
In our previous existence.

This gathering of Brahman-heavenly-kings is the only one to call the Buddha “God of gods.” More traditional is the description of the Buddha as “Most Honorable of Gods and Men.”