Nichiji Shonin and the Relics of Senka

Recently I came across a Nichiren Shu brochure published in 1994 to mark the 700th memorial year of Nichiji Shonin. The brochure includes photos of objects found at Rikkaji Temple in Senka, China. A scroll of Mandala written by Nichiren Shonin An image of Nichiren Shonin Odaimoku written by Nichiji Shonin A cup made of … Continue reading Nichiji Shonin and the Relics of Senka

Daily Practice Evolution

For several days I’ve wanted to write about my new supplemental service booklet I created but I keep getting distracted. Sanshō-shima. My first attempt was sidetracked into an illustrated tour of my altar’s evolution. When I started today I got distracted updating the booklet text to include macrons that had been dropped from several words. … Continue reading Daily Practice Evolution

2000 Days Later

On June 23, I passed the 2,000 day marker on this 500 Yojanas Journey to the Place of Treasures. It occurred to me while chanting this morning that a pictorial view of the evolution of my altar would be a nice way to mark the occasion. My blog post from the conclusion of the first … Continue reading 2000 Days Later

The Other Side of This Life

My mother died in 2003 and my father in 2009. At that time I was practicing with Soka Gakkai, which had no teaching regarding the spiritual world, the other side of this world through which we pass after death. As an SGI follower I offered generic prayers for the deceased but nothing more. My wife’s … Continue reading The Other Side of This Life

Prayer of Repentance and Purification

Very much enjoyed attending Rev. Shoda Kanai’s online Kaji Kito ceremony today. During this period of sheltering in place, I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to experience the Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada in Las Vegas services. Kaji Kito services are monthly events at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church and so I’m familiar with the ritual. … Continue reading Prayer of Repentance and Purification

24 Hours of Chanting on Wesak Day, May 7

This video recaps the 24 hours of Odaimoku celebrated on Wesak Day, May 7.

The Example of Kenji Miyazawa

In Gene Reeves’ Stories of the Lotus Sutra he includes in his discussion of Chapter 1, Introduction, Kenji Miyawaza (1896-1933), the Japanese short story writer. One person who understood well the importance of enchantment was Kenji Miyazawa, the poet, storyteller, science-fiction writer, scientist, and lover of the Lotus Sutra. Chanting Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, he imagined … Continue reading The Example of Kenji Miyazawa

Zoom Day

Don’t know exactly what prompted this extravagance but I decided to attend three Nichiren Shu services today. I got up at 6am to do my own personal service so that I would have time to join Rev. Ryusho Jeffus’ Myoshoji service at 7 am. And I was immediately happy I did so because today was … Continue reading Zoom Day

Practicing the Lotus Sutra

In considering how to practice the Lotus Sutra, I find it helpful to think of all the Buddha’s teachings as specific pieces of lumber crafted for specific purposes, ridge poles, beams, doors, windows, flooring and roof tiles. It is with the use of the Lotus Sutra that we are able to take those expedient teachings … Continue reading Practicing the Lotus Sutra

Dignity, Honesty, Joy, Wisdom, Longevity, Happiness and Fortune

I had a fun epiphany this morning while doing Gonyo. No, not the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi, but a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. Is there a Buddhist … Continue reading Dignity, Honesty, Joy, Wisdom, Longevity, Happiness and Fortune