Nichirenism and the Japanese National Principles

In May I published a number of quotes from Bruno Petzold’s book, Buddhist Prophet Nichiren–A Lotus In The Sun, examining the Tendai view of Nichiren’s doctrine. Petzold based his understanding of Nichiren and his doctrine on three books: Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet by Anesaki Masaharu, 1916 Japanese Civilization: Its Significance and Realization, Nichirenism and the … Continue reading Nichirenism and the Japanese National Principles

With Military Honors and a Kito Blessing

On Friday, my wife and I drove Rev. Igarashi to the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery for a military burial service for Thomas Hamilton Murray, who died in June 2020. “T” to his friends, Mr. Murray had been a member of the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church for several years. His wife, Deardra, asked Rev. Igarashi to … Continue reading With Military Honors and a Kito Blessing

Nichiren’s Departure from Tendai and Chih-i

Back in February, I started publishing quotes from “The Collected Teachings of the Tendai Lotus School,” which was written by Gishin in 830 CE. Those quotes offer a very readable explanation of the Japanese Tendai teachings that Nichiren was immersed in as a young monk. But he did not accept those teachings wholly, making modifications … Continue reading Nichiren’s Departure from Tendai and Chih-i

Samantabhadra and Mañjuśrī

For some time I’ve wanted to add a physical reminder of the Lotus Sutra to my altar. Yes, the Gohonzon Mandala and the Stupa with the Daimoku between Two Buddhas represent the Ceremony in the Sky from the Lotus Sutra. But I wanted to anchor all that to the ground. Sunday, Rev. Igarashi eye-opened statues … Continue reading Samantabhadra and Mañjuśrī

Compare and Contrast Tendai Teachings and Nichiren Doctrine

According to a news item today teachers and students are embracing ChatGPT, the AI platform which has gained attention for its detailed responses and articulate answers across many domains of knowledge. Recently Microsoft began offering access to an AI-powered chat feature in its search engine Bing. The new chat feature is powered by a next-generation … Continue reading Compare and Contrast Tendai Teachings and Nichiren Doctrine

Ānanda’s Vow

This is another in a series of weekly blog posts comparing and contrasting the Sanskrit and Chinese Lotus Sutra translations. In Senchu Murano’s English translation of Kumārajīva’s Chinese Lotus Sutra we are offered this story about the past life of Śākyamuni and his disciple, Ānanda: “Good men! Ānanda and I resolved to aspire for Anuttara-samyak-saṃbodhi under the … Continue reading Ānanda’s Vow

800 Years: The Protection of 10 Rākṣasas Daughters

With faith, practice and study we advance along the path to enlightenment, but faith alone launches us on this journey and that same faith becomes our armor, inviting protection along the way. In particular, the faithful benefit from the 10 rākṣasas daughters, who promise in Chapter 26, Dhārānis, that those who read, recite and keep … Continue reading 800 Years: The Protection of 10 Rākṣasas Daughters

800 Years: The Problem with Literalism

The Buddha’s suggestion in Chapter 23 that anyone who seeks enlightenment should burn a finger or a toe is an example of what Gene Reeves decries in The Stories of the Lotus Sutra as “literalism”: “It can lead to extreme acts that benefit no one. Devotion is good; devotion to the Buddha is good; devotion … Continue reading 800 Years: The Problem with Literalism

800 Years: Variable Speed Transmission

Chapter 21, The Supernatural Powers of the Tathāgatas, is considered the specific transmission of the daimoku in the Latter Age of Degeneration of the Dharma given to the bodhisattvas from underground led by Jōgyō. Chapter 22, Transmission, is the general transmission given to the rest of the gathering. Nichiren describes the scene in his letter … Continue reading 800 Years: Variable Speed Transmission

800 Years: The Merits of the Inexperienced Practicer

In the Trace Gate of the Lotus Sutra, the first 14 chapters, and even before that in the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings, the preface to the Lotus Sutra, we are told that it is very difficult to understand what the Buddhas realize about the reality of the equality and differences of all things. That difficulty … Continue reading 800 Years: The Merits of the Inexperienced Practicer