A Little AI Magic

Not all AI are equal. Google’s Gemini AI, even the Advanced option, leaves a lot to be desired when compared to Microsoft’s Copilot. Here’s the prompt I tried on both: generate image in style of emoji that represents Nichiren Buddhism Gemini’s first try generated these images: Gemini’s second try generated this error message: I’m a … Continue reading A Little AI Magic

Writing Devotion to the Lotus Sutra

And so I again return to the topic of Namu vs. Nam in writing the devotional chant followers of Nichiren voice. I’m not talking about what I chant. Sometimes I chant “Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō” and sometimes it sounds like “Nam Myōhō Renge Kyō.” My son, who was raised under Soka Gakkai influence, soothes his … Continue reading Writing Devotion to the Lotus Sutra

Shingyō Hikkei

In 1966, Nichiren Shu established what it called the Protect the Dharma Movement. This movement sought to create a unity of faith and training that would focus and thus amplify efforts to propagate the Lotus Sutra. To that end, Watanabe Kōin, Chief Administrator of the  Nichiren Sect Headquarters, created the Shingyō Hikkei, a handbook for … Continue reading Shingyō Hikkei

Nichijo and Nippo

This is another in a series of articles discussing the book, Nichijo: The Testimony of John Provoo. For my purposes I want to gather everything about John Provoo’s mentor into one spot since he comes to Provoo’s aid in his journey to becoming a Nichiren priest at several places. In Nichijo: The Testimony of John … Continue reading Nichijo and Nippo

A Religion Founded With A Future Aim

This is last of a series of daily articles concerning Kishio Satomi’s book, “Japanese Civilization; Its Significance and Realization; Nichirenism and the Japanese National Principles,” which details the foundations of Chigaku Tanaka’s interpretation of Nichiren Buddhism and Japan’s role in the early 20th century. Kishio Satomi’s Nichirenism departs from traditional Nichiren doctrine in its focus on the … Continue reading A Religion Founded With A Future Aim

The Meaning of the Sun Goddess and Hachiman on the Gohonzon

In the Mandala Gohonzon the phrase Namu-Myōhō Renge Kyō appears in the center with Nichiren’s signature in line below. The four corners are guarded by the four heavenly kings. In the middle on the side between the corners are representations of Fudo Myo-o and Aizen Myo-o. In the center on either side of the Daimoku … Continue reading The Meaning of the Sun Goddess and Hachiman on the Gohonzon

The Object of Worship in Nichirenism

Having previously discussed the Kaidan and the Daimoku, it’s time to consider Kishio Satomi’s take on the third of the Three Great Secret Dharmas, the Gohonzon. The Sacred Title was treated as the problem of a religious subject while the Supreme Being is going to be treated as a problem of a religious object. Every … Continue reading The Object of Worship in Nichirenism

The Law of the Sacred Title

In discussing the Daimoku, Kishio Satomi doesn’t stray from what would be considered standard Nichiren doctrine. “Namu” …. means a vow of constant effort for the Attainment of Buddhahood. [Nichiren] says: “Wise and ignorant, all people equally shall utter Namu-Myōhōrengekyō and abstain from any other vow of the kind ” (Works, p. 196). And to … Continue reading The Law of the Sacred Title

Adoration to Myōhōrengekyō

While Kishio Satomi’s Nichirenism places an outsized emphasis on the establishment of the Holy Altar, one of the Three Great Secret Dharmas, his discussion of the Daimoku is well within the bounds of modern mainstream Nichiren teaching. The title of the Hokekyo is “Myōhōrengekyō.” But we must mention here that this title is neither a … Continue reading Adoration to Myōhōrengekyō

Transmission of the Three Great Secret Laws

Another focus of Kishio Satomi’s Nichirenism that distinguishes it from traditional Nichiren Shu is its focus on the Three Great Secret Laws and, in particular, what it calls the “Holy See.” Nichiren Shu doctrine describes the Three Great Secret Dharmas as the Gohonzon, the Daimoku and the Kaidan, or Precept Platform. Here’s Satomi’s summary: The … Continue reading Transmission of the Three Great Secret Laws