Shodaigyo Practice

This last week I attended the four-day Enkyoji Buddhist Network 2017 Summer Retreat at the Seattle Choeizan Enkyoji Nichiren Buddhist Temple. I’m not officially a member of this network. I chose to attend the retreat because I was interested in their efforts to promote propagation of Nichiren Shu Buddhism in America, something that no one … Continue reading Shodaigyo Practice

Birthday wishes

Went to the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church today. It was something of a pot-pourri of Buddhism. The day began with the annual Hanamatsuri service. During the chanting of Odaimoku, the parishioners ladle sweet tea over a statue of baby Sakyamuni and then offer incense. Following that Ven. Kenjo Igarashi performed his kaji kito blessing on … Continue reading Birthday wishes

The Final Climb

Today was the Kaji Kito purification ceremony at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church and appended to that was the 7-Day Memorial Service for a prominent member of the church. After the service the Ven. Kenjo Igarashi offered a reminder of the purpose of this and the other memorial ceremonies. In the first seven days after … Continue reading The Final Climb

This Is _Just_ My View; Nothing Official, Nothing Enlightened

This was originally part of an answer I wrote to someone who found the concept of the three bodies of the Buddha confusing. My preference in regard to all things that appear confusing is to recall the number of times people ask questions in the Lotus Sutra. The whole purpose of the pursuit of Enlightenment … Continue reading This Is _Just_ My View; Nothing Official, Nothing Enlightened

New Year Party

Sunday’s service at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church included memorial prayers for deceased members of the church. The memorial tablet on the altar is for the church members. Ven. Kenjo Igarashi offered another version of his lecture on the “suffering world” and the need to practice the Lotus Sutra and study. Last week he paired … Continue reading New Year Party

Polishing my spirit

Spent Sunday at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church helping out with the annual church cleaning. Last year, when I called to find out what time the cleaning would be, the priest’s wife said, “Oh, we already finished.” This year I made sure the priest knew I _really_ wanted to help out. Apparently, it has been … Continue reading Polishing my spirit

Nichiren Memorial Service

Ven. Kenjo Igarashi donned his best robes and performed the annual Nichiren Memorial Service, Oeshiki. In front of the altar were two artificial trees representing the cherry blossoms that appeared upon the death of Nichiren October 13, 1282, at the residence of Ikegami Munenaka near Tokyo. Following the service, Rev. Igarashi continued his discussion of … Continue reading Nichiren Memorial Service

The Mandala Gohonzon Within

I immensely enjoyed the Kaji Kito purification ceremony today. Ven. Kenjo Igarashi offered an explanation of the aragyo ascetic practice and the grueling nature of the 100-day trial – little sleep, cold showers, watery porridge and lots and lots of chanting. Days of chanting at first seek to clear the bad karma of the priest. … Continue reading The Mandala Gohonzon Within

Seven Buddhas

Today’s Sunday service was a nice change from the days of work leading up to and during the annual Fall Food Sale. Everyone had aches and pains. We had three new people attending. One was a former SGI/Nichiren Shoshu practitioner trading up to Nichiren Shu. She had a friend with her. And in the very … Continue reading Seven Buddhas

Practicing in the Age of Mappo

I keep telling myself: Self, ask the priest if his sermon can be recorded. And for some reason I never find the right opportunity. Instead I try to recap what I learned, knowing full well that at best I have only a partial understanding. Following today’s Kaji Kito service, Ven. Kenjo Irgarashi discussed the importance … Continue reading Practicing in the Age of Mappo