The Lotus Sutra: A Biography

I was introduced to Donald S. Lopez Jr.’s book, The Lotus Sutra: A Biography, through a review published in the Summer 2017 issue of Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly that I found on Paul L. Swanson’s review concludes: “In short, this book is a biography of a book, one that admits in its final pages … Continue reading The Lotus Sutra: A Biography

Encouraging Practice and Study

I’m prompted to write this after publishing yesterday’s quote from from The Beginnings of Buddhism, which said in part regarding Nichiren and the other Kamakura period sects: The ordinary man is not required to perform such research for himself: he need only follow the directions of his religious leader. Indeed, in these sects, theoretical study … Continue reading Encouraging Practice and Study

Nyonin Gosho

As an addendum to my 100 Days of Study I’m reproducing here the introductory essay by Professor Yutaka Takagi of Risshō University that appears in Nyonin Gosho, a volume of Nichiren’s letters addressed to women. This sampling of 22 of Nichiren’s letters contains 8 letters not included in the seven volumes of the Writings of … Continue reading Nyonin Gosho

In Memoriam

Sunday’s service at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church included a 47-year memorial service for the father of a church member, the 49-Day memorial service for the father of another member and the first memorial for Richard Buchin, my wife’s father, who died the day before on Saturday, April 28. Ven. Kenjo Igarashi offered a sermon … Continue reading In Memoriam

The Cart and the Horse

Attended the Sunday service at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church. Following the Kaji Kito blessing and brief memorial service, Ven. Kenjo Igarashi gave a talk on the Odaimoku. The photo above shows the prop Rev. Igarashi used to illustrate his lecture. The column on the far right says something along the lines of the thought … Continue reading The Cart and the Horse

Is this recording? Check Check Test

I have permission from Ven. Kenjo Igarashi to record services as long as I don’t publish the actual recording. I use the recordings to capture Rev. Igarashi’s gosho lectures and then summarize them here. Before today’s service commemorating Nichiren’s birthday, which was followed by a Kaji Kito purification ceremony, I placed my voice recorder on … Continue reading Is this recording? Check Check Test

Sunday in Rochester, NY

Attended the regular Sunday service at Shoeizan Enkyoji Buddhist Temple of Rochester. This is, I believe, the sixth different Nichiren Shu service I’ve attended. That counts online services performed by Ryusho Jeffus and Ryuoh Faulconer, Seattle, San Jose and, of course, Sacramento. All have been recognizable as belonging to Nichiren Shu and each possesses a … Continue reading Sunday in Rochester, NY

Review: Dancing In The Garden Of The Lotus Sutra

Finished reading “Dancing In The Garden Of The Lotus Sutra: A Buddhist Perspective On The Three Gates To Freedom From Alcohol Addiction” earlier this month. In reading, and subsequently reviewing this book, I arrive with an interest in seeing how Nichiren Shu’s teachings can be put to work in the real world, a world full … Continue reading Review: Dancing In The Garden Of The Lotus Sutra

Learning Hotoge

In April I published this post. At the time I had been attending the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church since January 2015 and I was still unable to recite the version of Hotoge performed during the service immediately after chanting Daimoku. I have recordings of the services but the mokusho and the drum overwhelm everything. So … Continue reading Learning Hotoge

You and me and everyone else

Attended the Kaji Kito service at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church on Aug. 27. The sermon from Ven. Kenjo Igarashi covered a range of Buddhist concepts but the one item that stuck with me was the inclusive nature of the Buddhist practice. Today’s quote from Lotus Seeds summarizes this well: The bodhisattvas are as concerned … Continue reading You and me and everyone else