Between Day 32 and Day 1: Making Everything A Golden Color

Having last month considered the procession of the elephant, we consider what happens when Universal Sage Bodhisattva emits a bright light from the white curl between his eyebrows.

Having made this appeal, the practitioner must pay homage to the buddhas of the ten directions at the six specified times of day and night, and must practice ways of self-amendment: internalize the Great Vehicle sutras, recite the Great Vehicle sutras, reflect on the Great Vehicle’s principle, be mindful of the Great Vehicle’s application, revere and render service to those who keep faith with the Great Vehicle, regard all people in the same manner as buddhas would regard them, and regard each living thing in the same manner as would a mother or father.

After the practitioner has effected such mindfulness, Universal Sage Bodhisattva will immediately emit a bright light from the white curl between his eyebrows – the sign of a great person. When made visible by this light, Universal Sage Bodhisattva’s body is as majestic as purple-gold mountains; it possesses all of the thirty-two characteristics, and it is dignified beyond description. Numerous rays of brilliant light will come forth from the pores of his body and illuminate the great elephant, making it a golden color. All of the manifested forms of elephants and bodhisattvas will likewise be made a golden color. These golden rays illuminate the innumerable worlds in the eastern direction with the same golden color; and the southern, western, and northern directions, the four intermediate directions, and the upper and lower regions will likewise be illuminated in turn.

At that moment there will be a bodhisattva mounted on a white, six-tusked king of elephants facing each of the ten directions, each bodhisattva equal to and no different than Universal Sage, and the ten directions will correspondingly be filled with innumerable and limitless manifested elephant forms. Through his wondrous capabilities, Universal Sage Bodhisattva enables a practitioner who has kept faith with the sutras to perceive all of this.