Being Affixed Solely To The Lotus Sūtra

In their petition they also accuse Nichiren of being affixed solely to the Lotus Sūtra and slandering all other Mahāyāna sūtras. However, this is not my idea but the Buddha Himself declared in the Sūtra of Infinite Meaning, “The truth has not been revealed for forty years or so,” and in the Lotus Sūtra, “The truth will be expounded in this sūtra,” and “The truth will be revealed and expounded explicitly.” The Buddha of Many Treasures further attested to the truth by saying, “The teachings that have been expounded are all true.” Numerous Buddhas from all the worlds throughout the universe also approved these to be true by “touching the Brahma Heaven with their tongues.” Comparing the Lotus Sūtra with the sūtras that had been preached, are being preached, and will be preached, the Buddha only praised the Lotus Sūtra. So did other Buddhas. This is not my personal view. Besides, Grand Master Tokuitsu of the Hossō School in Nara tried to refute Grand Master Dengyō with the same criticism during the eras of Enryaku, Daidō, and Kōnin (782-824) and was defeated by Dengyō. As a result the Tendai Lotus School was established in Japan.

Gyōbin Sojō Goetsū, Understanding Gyōbin’s Petition, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Biography and Desciples, Volume 5, Page 6