“A PHRASE A DAY” is aimed for the Nichiren Buddhists to understand Nichiren Daishonin’s words and practice them in their daily life. The original phrases of “A PHRASE A DAY” or “Ichinichi Ichikun” was published in Japan in 1981 at the time of the Septicentennial (700th) Memorial Anniversary of the death of Nichiren Daishonin. Later an explanatory book on the “Ichinichi Ichikun” was written by Dr. Hoyo Watanabe, President of Rissho University.
A few years later, the ministers of the Nichiren Order of North America decided to translate the explanatory book. After a long struggle with difficult translation work, we were finally able to publish it in this booklet form. The translation into English was based on Dr. Watanabe’s explanatory book; however, some ministers translated Nichiren’s words more freely for English speaking people to better understand Nichiren.
Please note the “Background” of each day. First, as for the date of the letter written by Nichiren Daishonin, who sometimes wrote only the month and year. Second, Nichiren Daishonin’s age is counted in the American way breaking off the traditional Oriental way of counting age. Third, the place where Nichiren Daishonin wrote is very important because his belief in the Lotus Sutra became intense after he was exiled to Sado Island. Lastly, the page number is shown on the Showa Teihon. The Showa Teihon is the most reliable and official source for Nichiren Daishonin’s writings.
Finally, I, who have been placed in charge of collating together this booklet, thank Dr. James Ward, a retired eye surgeon. He is not a Buddhist but thinks in Buddhistic ways on many occasions. I hope this English translation is understandable even to non-Buddhists. Therefore, I am glad to have accepted suggestions from such an appropriate person.
Reverend Shokai Kanai,
Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Church
Translator, Commentator in English (1986)
Rev. Ryusho Matsuda, San Jose Myokakuji Betsuin
Rev. Shokai Kanai, Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Church
Rev. Nippo Shyaku, San Francisco
Rev. Kanshu Ikuta, Gardena Honpoji Betsuin
Rev. Zuigaku Kodachi, Portland Guhoji Betsuin
Rev. Joyo Ogawa, Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church
Rev. Kenjo Igarashi, San Francisco Nichiren Buddhist Church
Rev. Kyoryo Okuno, Toronto Nichiren Buddhist Church
Rev. Ryuken Akahoshi, San Jose Myokakuji Betsuin
Rev. Kyotsu Hori, Professor, Tokyo Rissho Junior College for Women
Japanese-English Edition (1986)
Overseas Propagation Promotion Association, English Translation Committee:
Rev. Kyotsu Hori, Professor, Tokyo Rissho Junior College for Women
Rev. Zencho Kitagawa, Assistant Professor, Rissho University
Rev. Taikyo Yajima, Kokokuji Temple
Rev. Keiryu Shima, Jikoji Temple
Rev. Chiko Ichikawa, Myoanji Temple
Rev. Ryoko Mochizuki, Daikyoji Temple