A Great Cart Pulled by a White Ox

Compared with the Lotus Sūtra, the Amitābha Sūtra is a star after the sun rose and dew in heavy rain.

Therefore, Grand Master Dengyō asserted in his Clarification of the Precepts: “It is nonsense to give a cart pulled by sheep, deer or cows, after giving a great cart pulled by a white ox. It is needless for a wealthy man to clean the toilet after succeeding to the family business. Therefore, it is said in the Lotus Sūtra, ‘Honestly discarding the expedient teachings, the Buddha explains only the unsurpassed way.’ ” The Grand Master also said, “When the sun appears, stars disappear, and when one understands the proficiency of the Lotus Sūtra, he is able to see the deficiencies in the other sūtras.”

Shimoyama Goshōsoku, The Shimoyama Letter, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 5, Page 90