The Saddharma-smṛtyupasthāna Sūtra378 says that an artist paints all shapes by distributing the five colors. There are beautiful and ugly [images]. [The basis for these images] is discovered in the hand of the artist. The distinctions in the six destinies are not creations by Īśvara and so forth, but appear from a single thought of an ignorant mind.
When there is a combination of ignorance and the worst kind of evil activity,379 then the causes and conditions of hell arise, as an artist uses the color black. When there is a combination of ignorance and mediocre evil activity, then the causes and conditions of beasts arise, as an artist uses the color red. When there is a combination of ignorance and lesser evil activity, then the causes and conditions of preta arise, as an artist uses the color blue-green. When there is a combination of ignorance and lesser good activity, then the causes and conditions of asura arise, as an artist uses the color yellow. When there is a combination of ignorance and mediocre good activity, then the causes and conditions of human beings arise, as an artist uses the color white. When there is a combination of ignorance and the best good activity, then the causes and conditions of heavenly beings arise, as an artist uses the most superior white color.
One should know that it is through a combination of ignorance and every sort of [good and/or evil] activity that there arises name-and form, the six senses, experience, passion, attachment, existence, rebirth, decay, sickness, death, and so forth. [The results] are different according to the [past] level [of good and evil activity]. All the destinies such as that of human and divine beings include all [”10,000″] pleasures and sufferings which begin with rebirth and end in death, and after death they return to another rebirth. They roll through the past, present, and future like the wheels of a carriage on fire. Therefore a Sutra says, “Sentient beings are drowning in the whirlpool of the river of existence. Blinded by ignorance, they are not able to escape.”380
A Sutra also calls this a “twelve-linked chain” because we are all caught and tied up in it.381 It is also called the “twelve leveled castle,” and the “twelvefold garden of thorns.”382 This [interpretation of twelvefold dependent co-arising is [that phenomena are always] newly arising and perishing and do not remain [the same] from one thought to another thought. Therefore it is called [the understanding of] dependent co-arising as arising and perishing.
Part four of the [P’a sa] Ying lo ching383 says that ignorance is the condition for volitional activity, which gives birth to the twelvefold [chain of dependent co-arising]… up to birth being the condition for decay and death and gives birth to the twelvefold [chain of dependence].384 Thus there are one hundred and twenty links of conditioned co-arising.385 The first involves nescience so the rest up to decay and death also involve nescience. It involves nescience because it is [a state of] unenlightenment. The first [link of ignorance] is [a state of] unenlightenment, so the rest up to and including decay and death are [states of] unenlightenment. Birth is caused by nescience and death is caused by nescience.
If one is awakened concerning [the true nature of] conditioned co-arising, conditioned co-arising no longer occurs. If nescience does not occur, then future rebirth and death is exhausted. This is called being “enlightened.” To be enlightened means to follow the way [of the Buddha to enlightenment].