Tao-sheng Commentary on the Lotus Sutra, p196All those Great Saintly Masters
Who knew the deep desires
Of the gods, men, and other living beings
Of all the worlds,
Revealed the Highest Truth [Prime Meaning]
With various expedients.li is originally of the unspeakable [nature]. He has borrowed words to speak about it. They are called [expedient] devices (upāya). Again, the two vehicles are employed as [teaching] aids for transforming them (beings). They are called other [expedient] devices. The One Vehicle is so deep that it has to rely on them to be manifested. According to one theory, what was preached [by the Buddha] for forty-nine years belong to expedient devices. The subject of the present preaching, the Dharma Blossom (or Lotus), belongs to “other [expedient] devices.”